Sunday, January 30, 2011

Prayer for a Stressful Time

A representation of the Holy Spirit on the ambo in St. Michael's Cathedral. We don't call Him "the Comforter" for nothing.

May He support us all the day long,
till the shades lengthen, 
and the evening comes,
and the busy world is hushed,
and the fever of life is over and our work is done!
Then in His mercy may He give us a safe lodging,
and a holy rest, and peace at the last. 
                - Blessed John Henry Newman

Monday, January 24, 2011

On the Anniversary of Roe v Wade

The Holy Family in a stained glass window of St. Michael's Cathedral.

America needs no words from me to see how your decision in Roe v. Wade has deformed a great nation...Human rights are not a privilege conferred by government. They are every human being’s entitlement by virtue of his humanity. The right to life does not depend, and must not be declared to be contingent, on the pleasure of anyone else, not even a parent or a sovereign. 
                   – Blessed Mother Teresa

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Archbishop Dennis T O'Connor, CSB

The likeness of His Grace Archbishop O'Connor, 3rd archbishop of Toronto, hangs in the sacristy of St. Michael's Cathedral.

His Grace was the first Basilian priest to be consecrated to the episcopate and the first Ontario-born Bishop of Toronto. Let us pray for him and for the great mission of his episcopate (1899-1908): 

Truly Catholic education in truly Catholic schools.

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Holy Trinity

An angel in the stained glass windows of St. Michael's Cathedral.

I adore You, O most Holy Trinity,  O One God in the Holy Trinity,  for having enobled the Immaculate in such a divine way. And I will never cease daily from the first moment I awake to adore You most humbly, O Divine Trinity, with my face to the ground, repeating three times: Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning, is now,  and will be for ever. Amen. 
                         – St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Thy Cross

A Crucifix on the main altar of St. Michael's Cathedral.

Glory be to Thee, O Lord! Thy cross is my resting place. 
              – Blessed Angela of Foligno

Friday, January 14, 2011

While We Have Time

A grave marker for the Hughes Family in the basement crypt of St. Michael's Cathedral.

Brethren, let us do good while we have time.  – St. Francis of Assisi

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Requiem Aeternam...

The area around St. Michael's Cathedral was filled with Police and media vehicles today, following the injury and subsequent death of Toronto Police Sergeant Ryan Russell 
at nearby St. Michael's Hospital. 

 ...dona ei, Domine et lux perpetua luceat ei. Requiescat in pace.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Going Back to The Gospel

The ambo in St. Michael's Cathedral.

Let us go back to the holy source, to the Gospel, the word of God.  Let us draw from it lessons of moral strength, heroic patience, tenderness for all creatures and for souls.  Let us Christians be sure never to “break the bruised reed” nor to “quench the smoking flax.”...Let us beware: nothing is so delicate and so sacred as the human soul, nothing is so quickly bruised.  Let each one of our words and deeds contain a principle of life that, penetrating other spirits, will communicate light and strength and will reveal God to them. 
         – Servant of God Elisabeth Leseur 

Sunday, January 9, 2011


The Holy Family in the Nativity scene at St. Michael's Cathedral.

Yours truly often writes J*M*J in honor of the Holy Family at the top of personal letters and (in case you think you’ve seen it all) I happen to know that these two crazy kids have placed their marriage under the patronage of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. It might also interest you to note that the Eucharistic Adoration available on weekdays at St. Michael's Cathedral played a role in their love-story.  

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Almost By the Sheep

Shepherds and sheep attend the Nativity scene in St. Michael's Cathedral.

The more we are proud that the Bethlehem story is plain enough to be understood by the shepherds, and almost by the sheep, the more do we let ourselves go, in dark and gorgeous imaginative frescoes or pageants about the mystery and majesty of the Three Magian Kings. 
                   GK Chesterton

Thursday, January 6, 2011


The Magi adore Our Little Lord in the Nativity scene at a side altar in St. Michael's Cathedral.

If the Magi had come in search of an earthly King, they would have been disconcerted at finding that they had taken the trouble to come such a long way for nothing. Consequently they would have neither adored nor offered gifts. But since they sought a heavenly King, though they found in Him no signs of royal pre-eminence, yet, content with the testimony of the star alone, they adored: for they saw a man, and they acknowledged a God. 
              - St. John Chrysostom

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Singing is a Service

Members of the St. Michael's Boys' Choir sing.

Always remember that your singing is a service. It is a service to God, offering him the praise that is due. It is a service to other worshippers, helping them raise their hearts and minds in prayer. And it is a service to the whole Church, a foretaste of the heavenly liturgy in which the choirs of angels and saints unite in one unending song of love and praise. 
       -    Pope Benedict XVI
      (Address to the Pueri Cantores Federation, 2010)


Monday, January 3, 2011


Fisheye view of St. Michael's Cathedral.  photo source

The power of obedience! The lake of Gennesareth had denied its fishes to Peter’s nets. A whole night in vain. Then, obedient, he lowered his net again to the water and they caught ‘a huge number of fish.’ Believe me: the miracle is repeated each day.
                      – St. Josemaria Escriva

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Behold Thy Mother

Statue for the Marian Year outside St. Michael's Cathedral.

The Lord wills to let his face shine upon us through the face of the Mother of God. We serve a Mother who seems to grow more beautiful as new generations rise up and call her blessed.
                    - G.K. Chesterton