Saturday, April 3, 2010

Haec Nox Est......

A parishioner kneels in prayer at St. Michael's Cathedral.
The stained glass window to her right (not shown) is beautifully reflected on the wall at her left.

At tonight’s long awaited vigil Mass the new fire will be blessed, the Paschal candle lit, and another group of catechumens and candidates will (Deo gratias) be received at last into the heart of Holy Mother Church and admitted to her soul-saving Sacraments. qua, destructis vinculis mortis, Christus ab inferis victor ascendit.


  1. at qhat is the mass?

  2. Saturday 9 pm - Archbishop Collins
    Sunday 8 am - Fr. McGovern
    10 am - Fr. Busch
    12noon - Archbishop Collins
    5 pm - Fr. Cauchi
    9 pm - NO MASS
